Header file block_select.hpp

using absolute_block     = tagged_type<"absolute"_n, int32_t>;
using head_block         = tagged_type<"head"_n, int32_t>;
using irreversible_block = tagged_type<"irreversible"_n, int32_t>;

using block_select       = tagged_variant<

block_select make_absolute_block(int32_t i);

uint32_t get_block_num(const block_select& sel, const database_status& status);

block_select identifies blocks. This appears in JSON as one of the following:

["absolute", 1234]          Block 1234
["head", -10]               10 blocks behind head
["irreversible", -4]        4 blocks behind irreversible
block_select make_absolute_block(int32_t i);

Returns a block_select which references block i

uint32_t get_block_num(const block_select& sel, const database_status& status);

Returns the block that sel references.

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